
longing to neither which is the essence of the neuter of non-genderal condition. In crossing the border therefore, into "femme land" we are leaving our native territory and invading another and different territory. Now in a geographical and political sense people leave one country and go to another too. They are said to emmigrate from one and they immigrate to another. The poem about the Statue of Liberty says something to the effect of "send me the wretched masses of your teeming shores----" The implication being more on getting away from the misery existing in Europe than in coming to the supposed wonders of America.

So the question is posed---in entering femme land are we doing so to enter a wonderful new world or are we attempting to emmigrate (at least temporarily) from the problems and hardships of our native area? There is the old adage that, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". If it was green enougli on one side the extra greeness on the other would not be attractive enough to warrant the trouble of going around, under, over or through the fence. So it comes back one way or another, I think, that we are emmig- rating from "masculand" more than we are immigratin into "femme land". Why? Surely this is still a pat- riarchal culture (for a few more years anyway), and according to women, men have all the advantages in being "first" class citizens instead of "second" class as they feel they are, so why leave it?

At this point I am reminded of the common saying made about New York, or San Francisco, or even Los Angeles--by people from somewhere else---"It's an interesting place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there." Transexuals DO immigrate to Femme land-- permanently. They take up residence there. But FPs visit, enjoy for a time and return whence they came